Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnia and Herzegovina recorded a total of 197,000 tourists in 2020, ranking 158th in the world in absolute terms.
That smaller countries regularly perform lower in a comparison of the absolute number of guests, is obvious. By putting the tourist numbers in relation to the population of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the result is much more comparable picture: With 0.060 tourists per resident, Bosnia and Herzegovina ranked 140th in the world. In Southern Europe, it ranked 13th.
Bosnia and Herzegovina generated around 438.00 million US Dollar in the tourism sector alone. This corresponds to 2.2 percent of its the gross domestic product and approximately 1 percent of all international tourism receipts in Southern Europe.

The average number of inbound visitors per inhabitant in Bosnia and Herzegovina has increased over the period from 2009 to 2019. According to the data from UNWTO, tourism intensity in Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2019 was 0.36 visitors per inhabitant.

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